Objective: Assessing the stability of cefazolin sodium in preservative
-free and preservative-containing eye drops. Method: Extemporaneous fo
rmulations of eye drops were prepared from a commercially-available pa
renteral product of cefazolin sodium: eye drops 'A' contained 50 mg/ml
of cefazolin sodium in 0.45% w/v sodium chloride solution, and eye dr
ops 'B' contained 50 mg/ml, 0.005% w/v thiomersal and 1% w/v glycerol
in water-for-injection. Cefazolin sodium concentrations in these eye d
rops were monitored by a stability-indicating HPLC assay method. Measu
rements of pH and osmolality, as well as tests for microbial contamina
tion, were conducted. Results: The eye drops stored at 4 degrees C wer
e stable for 42 days with minimal changes in pH and osmolality, but ey
e drops stored at room temperature were only stable for a few days wit
h greater increments in pH and osmolality. None of the samples culture
d had bacterial or fungal growth after 7 days of incubation. Conclusio
n: Extemporaneously prepared formulations of cefazolin are unstable at
room temperature and should be stored in a refrigerator.