Given a set of points S = {p(1),...,p(n)} in Euclidean d-dimensional s
pace, we address the problem of computing the d-dimensional annulus of
smallest width containing the set. We give a complete characterizatio
n of the centers of annuli which are locally minimal in arbitrary dime
nsion and we show that, for d = 2, a locally minimal annulus has two p
oints on the inner circle and two points on the outer circle that inte
rlace anglewise as seen from the center of the annulus. Using this cha
racterization, we show that, given a circular order of the points, the
re is at most one locally minimal annulus consistent with that order a
nd it can be computed in time O(n log n) using a simple algorithm. Fur
thermore, when points are in convex position the problem can be solved
in optimal Theta(n) time.