Sprague-Dawley rats were exposed for 6 h daily to 0.8 ppm of ozone and
14.4 ppm of nitrogen dioxide. Approximately 7 to 10 wk after the init
iation of exposure, animals began to demonstrate respiratory insuffici
ency and severe weight loss. About half of the rats died between Days
55 and 78 of exposure; no overt ill effects were observed in animals e
xposed to filtered air, to ozone alone, or to nitrogen dioxide. Bioche
mical findings in animals exposed to ozone and nitrogen dioxide includ
ed increased lung content of DNA, protein, collagen, and elastin, whic
h was about 300% higher than the control values. The collagen-specific
crosslink hydroxypyridinium, a biomarker for mature collagen in the l
ung, was decreased by about 40%. These results are consistent with ext
ensive breakdown and remodeling of the lung parenchyma and its associa
ted vasculature. Histopathologic evaluation showed severe fibrosis, al
veolar collapse, honeycombing, macrophage and mast cell accumulation,
vascular smooth muscle hypertrophy, and other indications of severe pr
ogressive interstitial pulmonary fibrosis and end-stage lung disease.
This unique animal model of progressive pulmonary fibrosis resembles t
he final stages of human idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis and should faci
litate studying underlying mechanisms and potential therapy of progres
sive pulmonary fibrosis.