The sequence X = {X-k} of fuzzy numbers is statistically convergent to
the fuzzy number X-0 provided that for each epsilon > 0 lim 1/n{the n
umber of k less than or equal to n:(d) over bar(X-k, X-0) greater than
or equal to epsilon} = 0. In this paper we study a related concept of
convergence in which the set {k: k less than or equal to n} is replac
ed by {k: k(r-1) < k less than or equal to k(r)} for some lacunary seq
uence {k(r)}. Also we introduce the concept of lacunary statistically
Cauchy sequence and show that it is equivalent to the lacunary statist
ical convergence. in addition, the inclusion relations between the set
s of statistically convergent and lacunary statistically convergent se
quences of fuzzy numbers are given. (C) 1998 Published by Elsevier Sci
ence B.V. All rights reserved.