Adult fucoid algae on Atlantic shores have well-characterized, species
-specific tolerances to the varying levels of desiccation that occur-f
rom the low to high intertidal zones; however, less is Known about emb
ryonic tolerances and their mechanistic basis. We investigated this by
1) exposing embryos of Fucus evanescens C. Agardh, F. spiralis L., an
d F. vesiculosus L. from the Maine shore to osmotic desiccation in, hy
persaline seawater and 2) examining whether these embryos contain spec
ies-specific dehydrins, proteins first identified in higher plants tha
t are hypothesized to confer tolerance to dehydration. Embryonic survi
val when cultured in hypersaline seawater >100 practical salinity unit
s (psu) correlated with the position of these species in the intertida
l zone (F. spiralis > F. vesiculosus > F. evanescens), but all 1-day-o
ld embryos of these species tolerated treatment with 100 psu or lower
seawater. Proteins (17-105 kDa) immunologically related to dehydrins w
ere detected on western blots with dehydrin antibodies raised against
a synthetic peptide representing the conserved motif of dehydrins in h
igher plants. These proteins were constitutive and unstable when subje
cted to prolonged (>15 min) temperatures above 55 degrees C, unlike mo
st higher plant dehydrins, which are inducible and remain soluble at 7
5 degrees-100 degrees C. The presence of these proteins was species- a
nd stage-specific. Sperm off. vesiculosus had a characteristic protein
of 76 kDa, whereas eggs and embryos (6 h to 3 days old) had a 92-kDa
protein. By 1 week of age, expression of the 92-kDa protein decreased,
and the 35-kDa protein of adults was present. Embryos of A. nodosum L
. and Pelvetia compressa J. Agardh DeToni contained an, 85-kDa protein
rather than the 92-kDa protein of Fucus embryos (F. distichus L., F.
evanescens, F. spiralis, and F. vesiculosus). The 92-kDa protein becam
e more abundant in embryos exposed to hyperosmotic seawater at 50 psu
(F. evanescens and F. vesiculosus) or 150 psu (F. spiralis); however,
dehydrin-like proteins of some molecular masses decreased in abundance
simultaneously. Further characterization of these proteins is require
d to establish whether they protect embryos against intertidal desicca