Dh. Monteith et Rg. Olsen, RADIATION DUE TO A CONVEX CURVATURE DISCONTINUITY OF A DIELECTRIC-COATED PERFECT CONDUCTOR, IEEE transactions on antennas and propagation, 46(8), 1998, pp. 1220-1228
Surface waves radiate energy at discontinuities in the curvature of th
e guiding structure. By reciprocity, surface waves will be excited by
plane waves incident upon such a discontinuity. Here, the problem of t
he radiation of a surface wave on a hat dielectric-coated perfect cond
uctor incident upon an abrupt change to a dielectric-coated cylindrica
l conductor with a large radius of curvature is considered. The proble
m is formulated as an integral equation over the aperture of the disco
ntinuity. Since the change in curvature is modest, an approximate pert
urbation solution to the integral equation is derived and the radiated
field due to the discontinuity is found. This radiated field reduces
to published results for an impedance surface approximation when that
approximation is valid. The problem of mode conversion and associated
radiation near higher mode cutoffs is also studied. It is found that n
ear mode cutoffs, the higher order mode dominates the radiation patter
n and causes the overall radiation pattern due to the discontinuity in
curvature to be narrow and end fire. Away from cutoff, when all of th
e propagating bound modes are more tightly bound to the surface, the r
adiation pattern is less narrow and less end fire. For very tightly bo
und modes the pattern is nearly uniform. For dielectrics characterized
by small permitivities, the changes in radiation pattern should be me