The objective of the study was to obtain information on the concentrat
ion and distribution of selenium throughout the human male reproductiv
e tract. Material was removed at autopsy from 41 men who had died sudd
enly and unexpectedly. Semen samples were also provided from 184 men a
ttending an andrology clinic for fertility investigation and from 32 h
ealthy volunteers. Significant positive correlations in the selenium c
oncentration were demonstrated between the different reproductive orga
ns, the testis having the highest concentrations. No correlation was f
ound between the concentration of selenium in the genital organs and l
iver, kidney or blood, suggesting that its uptake and/or biochemical a
ctivity in the reproductive organs may be controlled by similar mechan
isms not shared by the other organs. No significant age-dependent chan
ges could be detected in tissue selenium concentrations. In a group of
men under fertility investigation, a significant positive correlation
was obtained between seminal plasma concentrations of selenium and co
ncentrations of spermatozoa in the same ejaculate. A significant posit
ive correlation between concentrations of zinc and selenium in the sam
e ejaculates indicated that selenium may arise largely from the prosta
te gland.