A model for the chemical evolution of a disk galaxy is presented. The
model reproduces all the basic parameters of our own Galaxy, including
, for the first time, the correlation between metallicity and height a
bove the Galactic plane. One version of this model had been used earli
er to study the effect of heavy element loss from spiral galaxies on t
he chemical evolution of the intergalactic medium. Here, the primary e
mphasis is on investigations of the star formation history. Varying th
e basic parameters of the model-the mass and radius of the galaxy-and
incorporating a delay in the onset of star formation make it possible
to model different scenarios for the evolution of a galaxy's luminosit
y. There is a phase of enhanced star formation in the early stages of
evolution of massive galaxies. Taking into account the absorption of o
ptical radiation by dust grains makes it possible to explain certain o
bserved characteristics of the luminosity evolution, in particular, th
e absence of bursts in optical luminosity in disk galaxies at the init
ial period of intense star formation. The possibility of reconstructin
g the star-formation history and galactic luminosity from observations
of galaxies at different redshifts z is discussed. If selection effec
ts are accurately taken into account, the model makes it possible to c
onstruct specific evolutionary scenarios that are consistent with the
observations. Factors responsible for the deviation of the evolution o
f the average luminosity from the luminosity history in individual gal
axies are discussed.