Based on the observations performed at the Crimean Astrophysical Obser
vatory, we analyze the photometric behavior of the nova-like star MV L
yr in the low brightness state in 1995-1996. MV Lyr exhibited a burst
activity on a time scale from 15 to 55 min in four of the 30 cases; th
ree of these cases were single nightly events with an amplitude of 0.5
-1(m), and in the fourth case a sequence of bursts with a quasi-period
of 37.6 min and an amplitude of Im was observed. The source of this v
ariability is not yet known. We detected periodic light variations wit
h an amplitude of about 0.(m)07 and a period of 3.97 days (or 4.67 day
s), which is presumably the precession period of the accretion disk. U
sing the model of an eccentric precessing disk, we estimated its radiu
s, which depends on the precession period, to be 0.31a (or 0.28a) for
q = 0.3, where a is the separation between the components.