We examine the plausible existence of Neptune's plasmasphere and study
the drift of particles inside it. Using the O8 magnetic field model [
Connerney et al., 1991] and assuming a uniform solar wind convection e
lectric field, the plasma convection time and refining time are calcul
ated in a Euler potential coordinate system [Ho et al., 1997]. The pla
sma density and refilling time at the equilibrium state are first calc
ulated, and the location of the plasmapause is set to be where the ref
illing time and convection time are equal. The refilling time as a fun
ction of ion speed is then recalculated along field lines, and the pla
sma density and temperature are obtained by directly integrating the l
ocal ion distribution function over the range of speeds for which the
refilling time is less than the convection time. The density calculate
d using this model shows sharp drop-offs at approximately 3.25 to 4.5
R-N on the zero magnetic scalar potential surface, a boundary taken to
be the plasmapause. Our calculated density compares fairly with the o
bserved density along the Voyager trajectory within about 5 R-N. Ion t
emperature is also calculated along the field line with results which
indicate that high-speed tails of the distribution function might be n
eeded to explain the high observed temperature measured along the Voya
ger 2 trajectory. Drift trajectories and speeds of 90 degrees pitch an
gle particles inside the plasmapause are calculated. Particles of ener
gy above tens of eV are gradient drift dominated, and the drift paths
of this class of particles are essentially the minimum B contours that
are similar to Acuna et al.'s [1993] calculations. Atmospheric precip
itation of the J = 0 particles may provide an explanation for the UV e
missions, as an alternative to the ''monoprecipitation'' suggested by
Paranicas and Cheng [1994]. Drifts of low-energy particles are strongl
y affected by the gravitational and centrifugal forces, and because of
the largely tilted dipole and the large higher components of magnetic
field, the resultant drift is nonaxisymmetric and quite complicated.