Spatial variability in snow accumulation and melt owing to topographic
effects on solar radiation, snow drifting, air temperature and precip
itation is important in determining the timing of snowmelt releases, P
recipitation and temperature effects related to topography affect snow
pack variability at large scales and are generally included in models
of hydrology in mountainous terrain. The effects of spatial variabilit
y in drifting and solar input are generally included only in distribut
ed models at small scales. Previous research has demonstrated that sno
wpack patterns are not well reproduced when topography and drifting ar
e ignored, implying that larger scale representations that ignore drif
ting could be in error. Detailed measurements of the spatial distribut
ion of snow water equivalence within a small, intensively studied, 26-
ha watershed were used to validate a spatially distributed snowmelt mo
del. These observations and model output were then compared to basin-a
veraged snowmelt rates from a single-point representation of the basin
, a two-region representation that captures some of the variability in
drifting and aspect and a model with distributed terrain but uniform
drift. The model comparisons demonstrate that the lumped, single-point
representation and distributed terrain with uniform drift both yielde
d poor simulations of the basin-averaged surface water input rate. The
two-point representation was a slight improvement, but the late seaso
n melt required for the observed stream-flow was not simulated because
the deepest drifts were not represented. These results imply that rep
resenting the effects of subgrid variability of snow drifting is equal
ly or more important than representing subgrid variability in solar ra
diation. (C) 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.