Conjugate ductile shear zones developed mostly on granite-greenstone m
argins are a dominant structural feature of the Yilgarn craton, These
greenstone belt-scale shear zones lack both gold deposits and gold-rel
ated alteration. Previous interpretations of the shear zones as part o
f a linked system, as craton-scale terrane boundaries, or as crustal-s
cale pathways for gold-mineralizing fluids, all appear equivocal. Inst
ead, gold mineralizing fluids in the Yilgarn craton (illustrated here
by the gold-rich Yandal Belt) were focused by a network of middle to u
pper crustal brittle faults in the Late Archean. The faults are 040 de
grees to 060 degrees trending dextral, and 090 degrees to 120 degrees
trending sinistral; the maximum compression direction is about 075 deg
rees. Cold mineralization occurs in laminated and other schistosity-pa
rallel quartz veins where brittle faults refract along earlier subsidi
ary within-greenstone ductile shear zones, and in quartz veins within
Late Archean faults.