Butyltin compounds (MBT, DBT and TBT) in intertidal sediments collecte
d in four different Portuguese coastal environments have been measured
in order to evaluate the extent of contamination. The sites chosen we
re the Rias of Aveiro and Faro, and the Sado and Tejo estuaries. These
zones were traditional areas for shellfish production in the recent p
ast, but the effects of industrial development have caused a deteriora
tion of the environment. Specific contaminations were derived from the
harbour (commercial and/or fisheries) and shipyard activities, result
ing in a release of TBT and causing the oyster populations of the abov
e mentioned estuaries to almost disappear. Results presented in this s
tudy give a survey of TBT contamination levels found in the four areas
. The paper discusses the importance of the pollution in comparison wi
th other European coastal areas.