Kb. Storey, SURVIVAL UNDER STRESS - MOLECULAR MECHANISMS OF METABOLIC-RATE DEPRESSION IN ANIMALS, South African journal of zoology, 33(2), 1998, pp. 55-64
For many species, survival under harsh environmental conditions includ
es metabolic rate depression, an escape into a hypometabolic or dorman
t state. Studies in my laboratory are analysing the molecular mechanis
ms and regulatory events that underlie transitions to and from hypomet
abolic states in systems including anoxia-tolerant turtles and mollusc
s, estivating snails and toads, hibernating small mammals, and freeze
tolerant frogs and insects. Our newest research targets two areas: the
role of protein kinases in regulating metabolic adjustments and the r
ole of stress-induced gene expression in producing specific adaptive p
roteins. Protein kinases A, C and G are all linked to stress-induced s
ignal transduction in various systems, and new studies also show tissu
e-specific activation of mitogen-activated protein kinases (ERK, JNK,
see list of abbreviations p38). Protein adaptations supporting stress
tolerance are being sought using cDNA library screening, differential
display PCR and Northern blotting to analyse gene expression. These te
chniques offer new insights into the types of cellular targets that mu
st be coordinated to achieve metabolic suppression and facilitate easy
analysis of organ-, time-, and stress-specific gene expression. For e
xample, freeze-induced gene expression in frog liver includes upregula
tion of genes for subunits of fibrinogen and ADP/ATP translocase, wher
eas mitochondrial genes coding for subunits of NADH-ubiquinone oxidore
ductase subunit 5 and cytochrome C oxidase subunit 1 were upregulated
during anoxia in turtle heart.