Drosophila Wingless (Wg) is a secreted signaling protein of the Wnt fa
mily. Mutations in the wg gene disrupt the patterning of embryonic seg
ments and their adult derivatives, Wg protein has been shown in cell c
ulture to functionally interact with DFz2, a receptor that is structur
ally related to the tissue polarity protein Frizzled (Fz), However, it
has not been determined if DFz2 functions in the Wg signaling pathway
during fly development. Here ne demonstrate that overexpression of DF
z2 increases Wg-dependent signaling to induce ectopic margin bristle f
ormation in developing Drosophila wings. Overexpression of a truncated
form of DFz2 acts in a dominant-negative manner to block Wg signaling
at the wing margin, and this block is rescued by co-expression of ful
l-length DFz2 but not full-length Fz. Our results suggest that DFz2 an
d not Fz acts in the Wg signaling pathway for wing margin development,
However a truncated form of Fz also blocks Wg signaling in embryo and
wing margin development, and the truncated form of DFz2 affects ommat
idial polarity during eye development. These observations suggest that
a single dominant-negative form of Fz or DFz2 can block more than one
type of Wnt signaling pathway and imply that truncated proteins of th
e Fz family lose some aspect of signaling specificity.