We consider the problem of finding an integer solution to a linear com
plementarity problem. We introduce the class I of matrices for which t
he corresponding linear complementarity problem has an integer complem
entary solution for every vector, q, for which it has a solution. Stro
ng principal unimodularity forms a sufficient condition for inclusion
in the class I. It is also shown to be necessary for some well-known c
lasses of matrices, including the class of positive semidefinite matri
ces. This is used in deriving necessary and sufficient conditions for
a convex quadratic program to have an integer optimal solution for all
b and c for which it has an optimal solution. Characterizations are a
lso derived for some other well-known classes of matrices in linear co
mplementarity to belong to the class I. In the end, a peeling algorith
m for finding integer solution for linear complementarity problems is
given and related results are derived.