BACKGROUND The purpose of the present study was to evaluate constant i
rrigation with saline containing 50,000 units each of polymyxin and ba
citracin in a regimen of antimicrobial prophylaxis for clean spinal su
rgery at two community hospitals with a zero infection rate. METHODS T
he focus was on the bactericidal effects of prophylactic topical antib
iotics by assessing random contamination in neurosurgical wounds from:
1) the flora of the integument and nares of the operating team, 2) th
e surgical apparel, 3) the patient's skin, 4) air-borne organisms in t
he operating theater, and 5) the surgeon's gloves. RESULTS Based on in
dividual biotyping of bacteria and antimicrobial sensitivity testing,
no consistent source or pattern could be uncovered for the organisms r
ecovered from the operative site. Relying on longitudinal data, the in
cidence of intraoperative bacterial growth with continuous saline lava
ge was reduced from 64 to 4% when the combination of topical polymyxin
and bacitracin was added. CONCLUSIONS Although the virtual eliminatio
n of bacterial growth in the surgical site was accomplished, the effic
acy of topical antibiotics in the prevention of wound infection remain
s unproven. (C) 1998 by Elsevier Science Inc.