Ethylene biosynthesis was studied in the peach (Prunus persica L. Bats
ch) fruitlet abscission zone (AZ), located between pedicel and pericar
p and responsible for the shedding of the fruit, Explants, made up of
the abscission layer and small parts of pedicel and pericarp, were flu
shed with air or air + propylene (500 cm(3) m(-3)) for up to 72 h, Par
ameters of ethylene biosynthesis were monitored in excised zone and no
n-zone tissues. Both treatments induced an increase of ethylene biosyn
thesis in all tissues examined and a climacteric-like behaviour was ob
served: ethylene evolution peaked at 12 and 48 h in air + propylene an
d air, respectively. The activity of 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylate
oxidase (ACO) and related transcript accumulation paralleled ethylene
evolution. Furthermore a decreasing gradient, in terms of ethylene pr
oduction, ACO activity and mRNA accumulation was in general observed m
oving from the distal (pericarp side) to the proximal (pedicel side) n
on-zone, through the abscission zone. The content of 1-aminocyclopropa
ne-1-carboxylate (ACC) showed significant difference among treatments
only at 12 h of air + propylene flushing in AZ3 and non-zones, but no
difference in terms of ACC synthase transcript and related polypeptide
accumulation was observed. Endo-beta-1,4-glucanase (EG), the cell mal
l hydrolase involved in cell separation, appeared to be up-regulated b
y propylene and its activity was almost exclusively confined to the ab
scission layer, Similarly, EG transcript accumulation occurred in zone
but not in non-zone tissues. In air-treated and air + propylene-treat
ed explants the ethylene climacteric preceded the increase of EG activ
ity and the cell separation at the level of the abscission zone.