The subcellular localization of diamine oxidase activity (DAO, EC 1.4.
3.6) in Helianthus tuberosus tubers was further investigated. Microbod
ies and mitochondria were isolated, using the same Percoll gradient, f
rom tubers during dormancy (November-January) and at the break of dorm
ancy (March), and DAO activity was checked in both organelle fractions
. In microbodies the putrescine oxidizing activity was initially twice
that of mitochondria, then decreased to values below those of mitocho
ndria in March. In both cases the activity declined throughout the per
iod examined, but in mitochondria activity increased in March. While t
he putrescine oxidizing activity associated with microbodies was not a
ffected by known inhibitors of diamine oxidase, that of mitochondria w
as inhibited by methylglyoxal-bis(guanylhydrazone) (MGBG). A different
role for the two organelles in the physiological stages examined is h
ypothesized. The opening of new perspectives in the study of polyamine
compartmentation and transport is also discussed.