Primates are in some ways excellent subjects for studying the impact o
f predation on prey. They are generally easy to watch and identify as
individuals, so that long-term tracking of both death rates and anti-p
redator behaviors is possible, as amply shown by many of the studies i
n this volume. On the flip side, their low predation rates and large g
roup sizes require very large total sample sizes for statistically pow
erful tests of the direct effects of sociality on predation rates. To
study the indirect effects of predation on primate behavior requires d
efining the intrinsic predation risk they experience, that is the expe
cted rate of predation they would suffer under standardized levels of
anti-predator. behavior (possibly none - see Hill & Dunbar, this volum
e). This abstract variable can be assessed qualitatively across differ
ent conditions by reference to modeling or common sense, or quantitati
vely by analyzing the hunting success of the predator independent of t
he prey's behavior (Cowlishaw, 1997). Great care must be taken in inte
rpreting the behavioral responses of animals to different levels of pr
edation risk when a given behavior can, serve multiple functions, such
as is the case with vigilance. Furthermore, most anti-predator behavi
ors carry fitness costs, not only from the lost opportunity to perform
other fitness-enhancing activities, but even in terms of predation it
self - apparently some primate species, benefit from living in small g
rbups which are very difficult for predators to detect instead of usin
g a large-group early-warning defense as postulated in many theoretica
l models. Such costs will limit the extent to which primates are able
to reduce their intrinsic predation risk (Fig. 1). Although comparison
s of predation rates or anti-predator behaviors across species or popu
lations may be very revealing, there are some potential problems to co
ntend with. First is the widely-recognized problem of analyzing phylog
enetically-structured data (cf: Hill & Dunbar, this volume), which req
uires robust and detailed phylogenies and requires a long list of assu
mptions to make the results interpretable statistically (e.g, see Garl
and et al., 1992). Second, when performing any type of multiple regres
sion to tease apart the confounding effects of correlated variables on
the dependent variable, the exact results may depend on the particula
r set of independent variables examined. Thus, conclusions from such a
nalyses should always be treated as tentative. Finally, predicted ecol
ogical responses of prey group size to changing predator density may m
imic expected evolutionary changes. Thus, tests of evolutionary predic
tions with comparative ecological data need to be sensitive to the pos
sibility that the observed differences may not be caused by evolutiona
ry responses and hence may not qualify as adaptations.