There are still insufficient data on the natural course of Parkinson's
disease (PD) owing to lack of standardized longitudinal follow-up stu
dies. Reported progression rates in early PD vary considerably by a fa
ctor of 2 to 3. Similarly, data from sequential [F-18] dopa PET studie
s in PD patients have produced variable decline rates of PET indices r
anging between 7 and 70% per decade. Risk factors fro rapid progressio
n include old age at onset, concomitant major depression, dementia, an
dakinetic-rigid symptoms presentation. The introduction of levodopa in
to the routine treatment of PD patients had a dramatic impact on sympt
omatic control without affecting the underlying rate of disease progre
ssion. By contrast, monoamine oxidase (MAO) B inhibition by deprenyl m
onotherapy in early PD was shown to delay the need for levodopa by aro
und 9 months. However, the neuroprotective action disappeared after 2
years of follow-up. Furthermore, deprenyl also failed to influence the
subsequent development of levodopa-induced motor complications. Avail
able studies on mortality in PD provide heterogeneous mortality rates,
probably because of discrepancies between patient populations with re
spect to co-morbidity, disease stage at study entry, and diagnostic ac
curacy. However, the most recent follow-up from the DATATOP cohort sug
gests normal life expectancy in carefully selected patients without si
gnificant co-morbidity and with adequate treatment and expert follow-u