This paper investigates the promising proposal of Joint Implementation
(JI) to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions. This was ultimately the on
ly concrete outcome of the Conference on Climate Change in Berlin, alb
eit restricted to a pilot phase. The basic idea, given the public's aw
areness of global warming, sounds economically plausible: The industri
alized countries, the only ones required to stabilize and lower carbon
emissions, can search for cheaper reductions of greenhouse gas emissi
ons in developing countries and economies in transition. However, this
proposal leads to strategic reactions by developing countries reinfor
ced by the fact that this cheating coincides with the interest of the
industrialized country. In short, this proposal will lead to cheating
(given asymmetric information) and will thus produce largely faked red
uctions in emissions. On the constructive side, an efficient mechanism
retaining the spirit of JI is derived, which deters strategic reactio
ns. This differs from a usual principal-agent problem through an addit
ional hierarchical layer: a global authority (e.g. the Conference of P
arties on Climate Change), an industrialized country and a developing
country. The unavoidable loss that is even associated with an optimal
scheme due to strategic, behavioural reality (the first best optimum i
s unattainable, except at the top) leads, of course, to much less glam
orous predictions in emission reductions. Moreover, the implicit subsi
dization scheme focuses and favours on already 'efficient' partners.