Trappins are a group of secretory proteins containing a WAP motif with
an anchoring domain, Previous studies showed that their genes, especi
ally those of pig, have undergone rapid evolution, which produced trap
pins with a broad spectrum of actions. To understand the evolution of
such a rapidly evolving multigene family, we isolated trappin genes of
the Artiodactyla, including pig, wart hog, collared peccary, hippopot
amus, and cow, by means of polymerase chain reaction (PCR), Two genes
newly isolated from wart hog are orthologs of trappin-1 (SPAI) and tra
ppin-2 (elafin), the others are novel members of the trappin family an
d named trappins-6 to 11, The divergence of the sequences is greatest
in the region that encodes the reactive site, and intron sequences app
ear to be more highly conserved than the protein-coding sequences, esp
ecially among the pig paralogs, Phylogenetic analysis showed that the
trappin multigene family members of pig were generated through gene du
plication after the divergence of the Suidae (pig and wart hog) and Ta
yassuidae (collared peccary), Similarities in the gene structure with
seminal vesicle clotting proteins (REST) and WAP motif-containing prot
eins suggest that trappins are naturally occurring fusion proteins cre
ated through exon shuffling between ancestral REST and WAP motif-codin
g genes.