BACKGROUND/AIMS: Milligan-Morgan's hemorrhoidectomy has a high recurre
nce rate (> 10%) in patients with circular IV grade hemorrhoids. In su
ch cases a circular hemorrhoidectomy with complete elimination of resi
dual piles, and anoplasty might be more successful. The aim of this re
trospective study was to compare the results of circular hemorrhoidect
omy using the Hopital Leopold Bellan (HLB) technique (Paris) with the
reported results of other techniques in patients with advanced hemorrh
oidal disease. METHODOLOGY: From January 87 to December 96, 100 consec
utive patients with circular IV grade hemorrhoids underwent radical he
morrhoidectomy. Mean hospital stay was 4 days (range 3-7). Patients we
re strictly controlled in the postoperative period and in cases of ear
ly fibrosis anal dilators were used. RESULTS: Eighty one percent of pa
tients had a complete recovery. The recurrence rate was 4%. The cumula
tive rate of early and late complications was 34%. Early and late hemo
rrhages were more frequent than in traditional hemorrhoidectomy, while
the incidence of anal stenosis was the same. CONCLUSIONS: The HLB ope
ration is the best choice for patients with advanced circular hemorrho
ids because of its radicality and good results. The postoperative morb
idity of HLB hemorrhoidectomy is higher than traditional hemorrhoidect
omy; nevertheless, all complications are tractable without extension o
f hospital stay.