On the basis of wave and plasma observations of the Geotail satellite,
the instability mode of low-frequency (1-10 Hz) electromagnetic turbu
lence observed at the neutral sheet during substorms has been examined
. Quantitative estimation has also been made for the anomalous heating
and resistivity resulting from the electromagnetic turbulence. Four p
ossible candidates of substorm onset sites, characterized by the near-
Earth neutral line, are found in the data sets obtained at substorm on
set times. In these events, wave spectra obtained by the search-coil m
agnetometer and the spherical double-probe instrument clearly show the
existence of electromagnetic wave activity in the lower hybrid freque
ncy range at and near the neutral sheet. The linear and quasi-linear c
alculations of the lower hybrid drift instability well explain the obs
erved electromagnetic turbulence quantitatively, The calculated charac
teristic electron heating time is comparable to the timescale of the e
xpansion onset, while that of ion heating time is much longer. The est
imated anomalous resistivity fails to supply enough dissipation for th
e resistive tearing mode instability.