VHF backscatter radar observations at and off the magnetic equator (Tr
ivandrum and Gadanki, respectively) have been analyzed to study the sm
all-scale (similar to 3 m) irregularities at E region altitudes. The D
oppler spectra observed at Gadanki invariably resemble type 2 (gradien
t drift instability) Doppler spectra in contrast to the spectra at Tri
vandrum where both type 1 and type 2 occur. The type 2 irregularities
(at Gadanki) are attributed to the presence of steep (vertical) electr
on density gradients, which are necessary for the growth of gradient d
rift instabilities at the off magnetic equatorial latitude of Gadanki.
The observed irregularity drifts at lower altitudes (<97 km) are attr
ibuted mainly to the meridional neutral winds and those at higher alti
tudes (>101 km) tp magnetic field line-linked F region electric fields
at the magnetic equator.