Some members of the Solanaceae have a self-incompatibility mechanism p
reventing self-fertilization. Stylar ribonucleases (S-RNases) are resp
onsible for growth inhibition of self-pollen tubes. A prevalent model
postulates that the S-RNases act as intracellular cytotoxins that degr
ade ribosomal RNA, and possibly also messenger RNA, in the incompatibl
e pollen tubes. Since ribosomes and polysomes are easily noticed with
the electron microscope, it should be possible to confirm disintegrati
on of these structures. However, our inspection by electron microscopy
revealed the presence of ribosomes and polysomes in pollen tubes form
ed after self-pollination of the self-sterile species Blugmansia (Datu
ra) suaveolens and Nicotiana alata. There was no decrease over time in
the number of bound ribosomes per unit of rough endoplasmic reticulum
(RER) membrane. The results indicate that the inhibition of tube grow
th is not due to a general degradation of ribosomal and messenger RNA.
Therefore, the substrate for S-RNases presumably is very specific.