A (symplectic) toric variety X, of real dimension 2n, is completely de
termined by its moment polytope a Delta subset of R-n. Recently Guille
min gave an explicit combinatorial way of constructing ''toric'' Kahle
r metrics on X, using only data on Delta. In this paper, differential
geometric properties of these metrics are investigated using Guillemin
's construction. In particular, a nice combinatorial formula for the s
calar curvature R is given, and the Euler-Lagrange condition for such
''toric'' metrics being extremal tin the sense of Calabi) is proven to
be R being an affine function on Delta subset of R-n. A construction,
due to Calabi, of a 1-parameter family of extremal Kahler metrics of
non-constant scalar curvature on CP2 #<(CP)over bar>(2) is recast very
simply and explicitly using Guillemin's approach. Finally, we present
a curious combinatorial identity for convex polytopes Delta subset of
R-n that follows from the wellknown relation between the total integr
al of the scalar curvature of a Kahler metric and the wedge product of
the first Chern class of the underlying complex manifold with a suita
ble power of the Kahler class.