Trace fossils occur abundantly in Middle Jurassic rocks of the Kachchh
Basin. They are found in environments ranging from beach sequences do
wn to central parts of the basin. For stratinomic reasons, they are pa
rticularly well preserved in storm deposits. Their distribution patter
n exhibits a clear relationship to the hydrodynamic conditions and, se
condarily, to bathymetry, and follows the classic ichnofacies concept
of SEILACHER (1967). High energy nearshore areas and submarine shoals
are represented by members of the Skolithos ichnofacies such as Ophiom
orpha nodosa, Arenicolites, Diplocraterion parallelum, and Rhizocorall
ium jenense. The storm-influenced ramp contains both members of the Cr
uziana ichnofacies (e.g. Rhizocorallium irregulare, Thalassinoides sue
vicus, Taenidium serpentinum, Chondrites) and the Skolithos ichnofacie
s tin particular Ophiomorpha). The former were produced during interst
orm phases, the latter are of post-storm origin. Carbonate ramp enviro
nments of low to intermediate energy also contain members of the Cruzi
ana ichnofacies, whilst equivalent siliciclastic environments are char
acterized by a low-diversity Zoophycos ichnofacies. Low energy basinal
environments of fine-grained substrates contain an impoverished Cruzi
ana ichnofacies consisting of Chondrites, Trichichnus and Thalassinoid
es suevicus. 32 ichnotaxa are briefly described, among them Sphaerichn
us lobatus ichnogen. et ichnosp .nov.