A metallic electrode connected to electron reservoirs by tunnel juncti
ons has a series of charge states corresponding to the number of exces
s electrons in the electrode. In contrast with the charge state of an
atomic or molecular ion, the charge states of such an ''island'' invol
ve a macroscopic number of conduction electrons of the island. Island
charge states bear some resemblance with the photon number states of t
he cavity in cavity QED, the phase conjugate to the number of electron
s being analogous to the phase of the field in the cavity. For a norma
l island charge states decay irreversibly into charge states of lower
energies. However, the ground state of a superconducting island connec
ted to superconducting reservoirs can be a coherent superposition of c
harge states differing by two electrons (i.e. a Cooper pair). We descr
ibe an experiment in which this Josephson effect involving only one Co
oper pair is measured.