Multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS) is a syndrome in which multiple sy
mptoms reportedly occur with low-level chemical exposure. Several theo
ries have been advanced to explain the cause of MCS, including allergy
, toxic effects and neurobiologic sensitization. There is insufficient
scientific evidence to confirm a relationship;between any of these po
ssible causes and symptoms. Patients with MCS have high rates of depre
ssion, anxiety and somatoform disorders, but it is unclear ifa causal
relationship or merely an association exists between MCS and psychiatr
ic problems. Physicians should compassionately evaluate and care for p
atients who have this distressing condition, while avoiding the use of
unproven, Expensive or potentially harmful tests and treatments. The
first goal of management is to establish an effective physician-patien
t relationship. The patient's efforts to return to work and to a norma
l social life should be encouraged and supported.