From the 1960s onwards, the chemical and oil industries developed and
used a number of new safety techniques which, in time, became second n
ature to those who applied them. They included the use of QRA for deci
ding priorities, Hazop and audits for identifying problems, inherently
safer design for avoiding hazards, and more thorough investigation of
incidents for identifying underlying causes. However, it has not yet
become second nature to remember the accidents of the past and the act
ions needed to prevent them happening again. I joined industry in 1944
and moved to production in 1952. Then, and for at least 15 years afte
rwards, safety was a non-technical subject that could be left to arts
graduates and elderly foremen. There was concern that people should no
t be hurt-great attention was paid to the lost-time accident rate-but
there was no realization, that it was a subject worthy of systematic s
tudy by experienced technologists. This view changed at the end of the
1960s. A new generation of plants had been built, operating at higher
temperatures and pressures and containing larger inventories of hazar
dous chemicals; the result was a series of fires and explosions and a
worsening fatal accident rate. Figure 1 shows the situation in ICI, at
the time the UK's largest chemical company. Other companies experienc
ed a similar state of affairs As a result in 1968, 1 was appointed one
of the company's first technical safety advisers, an unusual appointm
ent at the time for someone with my experience, and if the reason for
my appointment had not been so obvious I would have wondered what I ha
d done wrong. I and my colleagues tried to apply the same sort of syst
ematic thinking to safety that we applied in our other professional wo
rk. We developed some new concepts and techniques and adopted others.
A common feature of our ideas, realized only in restrospect, was that
they consisted Of more than mere problem-solving techniques. Once peop
le had got used to these new concepts and used them a few times, they
began to look at a whole range of problems in a different way.