lHFC-227ea (CF3CHFCF3;1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3-heptafluoro-propane) is an e
ffective replacement for Halon 1301 in pre suppression systems, provid
ing rapid extinguishment of flames through a combination of physical a
nd chemical mechanisms. The vast majority of applications for HFC-227e
a involve the protection of Class A hazards, which are characterized b
y low fuel loadings and low energy output, with fire sizes often in th
e range of 5-10 kW. Mid- and large-scale testing has demonstrated that
HFC-227ea, at its minimum design concentration of 7.0% v/v, is effect
ive at extinguishing fires typical of those expected to occur in elect
ronic data processing (EDP) facilities, telecommunication facilities a
nd anechoic chambers. The levels of HF produced following extinguishme
nt of typical Class A fires with HFC-227ea were well below the estimat
ed mammalian LC50 and the human Dangerous Toxic Load (DTL), and do not
appear to present a threat to electronic equipment.