Background There have been many randomised trials of adjuvant prolonge
d polychemotherapy among women with early breast cancer, and an update
d overview of their results is presented. Methods In 1995, information
was sought on each woman in any randomised trial that began before 19
90 and involved treatment groups that differed only with respect to th
e chemotherapy regimens that were being compared. Analyses involved ab
out 18 000 women in 47 trials of prolonged polychemotherapy versus no
chemotherapy, about 6000 in 11 trials of longer versus shorter polyche
motherapy, and about 6000 in 11 trials of anthracycline-containing reg
imens versus CMF (cyclophosphamide, methotrexate, and fluorouracil). F
indings For recurrence, polychemotherapy produced substantial and high
ly significant proportional reductions both among women aged under 50
at randomisation (35% [SD 4] reduction; 2p<0.00001) and among those ag
ed 50-69 (20% [SD 3] reduction; 2p<0.00001); few women aged 70 or over
had been studied. For mortality, the reductions were also significant
both among women aged under 50 (27% [SD 5] reduction; 2p<0.00001) and
among those aged 50-69 (11% [SD 3] reduction; 2p=0.0001). The recurre
nce reductions emerged chiefly during the first 5 years of follow-up,
whereas the difference in survival grew throughout the first 10 years.
After standardisation for age and time since randomisation, the propo
rtional reductions in risk were similar for women with node-negative a
nd node-positive disease. Applying the proportional mortality reductio
n observed in all women aged under 50 at randomisation would typically
change a 10-year survival of 71% for those with node-negative disease
to 78% (an absolute benefit of 7%), and of 42% for those with node-po
sitive disease to 53% (an absolute benefit of 11%). The smaller propor
tional mortality reduction observed in all women aged 50-69 at randomi
sation would translate into smaller absolute benefits, changing a 10-y
ear survival of 67% for those with node-negative disease to 69% (an ab
solute gain of 2%) and of 46% for those with node-positive disease to
49% (an absolute gain of 3%). The age-specific benefits of polychemoth
erapy appeared to be largely irrespective of menopausal status at pres
entation, oestrogen receptor status of the primary tumour, and of whet
her adjuvant tamoxifen had been given. In terms of other outcomes, the
re was a reduction of about one-fifth (2p=0.05) in contralateral breas
t cancer, which has already been included in the analyses of recurrenc
e, and no apparent adverse effect on deaths from causes other than bre
ast cancer (death rate ratio 0.89 [SD 0.09]). The directly randomised
comparisons of longer versus shorter durations of polychemotherapy did
not indicate any survival advantage with the use of more than about 3
-6 months of polychemotherapy. By contrast, directly randomised compar
isons did suggest that, compared with CMF alone, the anthracycline-con
taining regimens studied produced somewhat greater effects on recurren
ce (2p=0.006) and mortality (69% vs 72% 5-year survival; log-rank 2p=0
.02). But this comparison is one of many that could have been selected
for emphasis, the 99% CI reaches zero, and the results of several of
the relevant trials are not yet available. Interpretation Some months
of adjuvant polychemotherapy (eg, with CMF or an anthracycline-contain
ing regimen) typically produces an absolute improvement of about 7-11%
in 10-year survival for women aged under 50 at presentation with earl
y breast cancer, and of about 2-3% for those aged 50-69 (unless their
prognosis is likely to be extremely good even without such treatment).
Treatment decisions involve consideration not only of improvements in
cancer recurrence and survival but also of adverse side-effects of tr
eatment, and this report makes no recommendations as to who should or
should not be treated.