The following is a summary of the National Research Council/National A
cademy of Sciences report entitled Toxicity of Alternatives to Chlorof
luorocarbons: HFC-134a and HCFC-123. That report was prepared in respo
nse to a request from the U.S. Navy to review the toxicity data on the
se chlorofluorocarbon (CFC) substitutes and determine the scientific v
alidity of emergency exposure guidance levels (EEGLs) for 1 and 24 h a
nd continuous exposure guidance levels (CEGLs) for 90 days. These expo
sure limits are for use in nuclear submarines. The report was prepared
by the National Research Council Subcommittee to Review Toxicity of A
lternatives to Chlorofluorocarbons. The rosier of the subcommittee is
as follows.