We tested a mixture of Calcium-Green-1 (CG-1) and Brilliantsulfaflavin
e (BS) for dual excitation ratiometric measurements of the intracellul
ar free calcium concentration ([Ca2+](i)) in bovine adrenal chromaffin
cells. Dyes were coloaded (without being molecularly linked to each o
ther) in the whole-cell configuration of the patch clamp technique. We
compared the loading time-courses of CG-1 and BS, investigated their
intracellular distribution patterns and studied the time course of pho
tobleaching. We determined the apparent dissociation constant of CG-1,
both optically and by potentiometric titration, Our findings indicate
that: (i) with excitation at 420/488 nm, calibrated fluorescence sign
als could be derived using a Grynkiewicz-type equation; (ii) BS is an
ideal reference dye that displayed no interaction with CG-1 or cellula
r constituents; and (iii) that calibration requires diffusional equili
bration between pipette and the accessible volume of the cell. Spatial
ly resolved recordings of fluorescence excitation spectra revealed ele
vated fluorescence of CG-1 in the nucleus such that reported [Ca2+](i)
levels seemed 25% higher compared to cytosolic values. Comparing fluo
rescence emission from in vitro dye solutions with in vivo values, we
could estimate the accessible volume fraction and amount of Ca2+-insen
sitive dye.