We have found delayed mean bone age in 63 children with fetal alcohol
syndrome (FAS). The mean bone age Z-score for boys (n = 31) was -2.12
SDs and for girls (n = 32) was -1.62 Sos, This might suggest that they
have potential for catch-up growth. However, experience with children
with intrauterine growth retardation suggests that this will not be t
he case and that FAS children will be of reduced height at maturity. F
urther support for this assumption was gained from a sample of 26 pati
ents who were followed until at least the age of 14 years for females
and 16 years for males. There was no significant change in height Z-sc
ores from early childhood to early adulthood, the mean score being -2.
16 Sos and -2.11 Sos at mean ages of 4.83 years and 18.69 years, respe
ctively. On the other hand, there were significant changes in weight a
nd head circumference. The mean weight Z-score changed from -2.10 Sos
to -1.14 Sos (p < 0.001). The head circumference mean Z-score in 16 pa
tients was -3.13 SDs at a mean age of 2.79 years and -2.63 Sos at a me
an age of 17.37 years (p = 0.013). Short stature can continue to be us
ed as a diagnostic criterion for FAS beyond childhood.