Schizophrenia is considered a neurodevelopmental disorder in which vul
nerability to stress may be a contributing factor. Coping is an import
ant psychological component of stress processing, and the hypothalamic
-pituitary-adrenal system (HPA system) is one of the biological compon
ents of stress adaptation. Disturbances of either of these components
may make schizophrenic patients more vulnerable to develop a psychosis
under stressful circumstances. In this study, 10 schizophrenic men we
re compared with 10 healthy male controls in their response to a psych
osocial stressor, consisting of a public-speaking task. Heart rate was
monitored as a measure of autonomic arousal. HPA responses were asses
sed by measuring salivary cortisol. Coping skills were measured by usi
ng the Utrecht Coping List and the Ways of Coping Checklist. The stres
s of speaking in public increased the heart rate in both patients and
controls; however, a significant cortisol response was found in the co
ntrols, but not in the schizophrenic patients. The patients used more
passive and avoidant coping strategies than controls. The findings pro
vide support for the notion that schizophrenic patients have an impair
ed ability to adapt, both psychologically and biologically, to their e
nvironment. (C) 1998 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.