Recombinant DNA technology has permitted the production of synthetic p
roteins which are potentially free of human infectious agents. Despite
production in foreign cells, these proteins are structurally and func
tionally comparable to the native proteins. Recombinant clotting facto
rs VIII, IX, VIIa, and von Willebrand factor have the same primary seq
uence as their plasma counterparts. The secondary and tertiary structu
res are similar, Post-translational modifications, including proteolyt
ic processing, disulfide bonding, addition and processing of N- and O-
linked glycans, gamma-carboxylation of glutamic acid residues, beta-hy
droxylation of aspartic acid residues, sulfation of tyrosine residues,
and phosphorylation of serine residues, are similar but not always id
entical, In some instances. these differences may cause significant fu
nctional differences. For example, reduced tyrosine sulfation and seri
ne phosphorylation of recombinant factor IX have been correlated with
reduced recovery following intravenous infusion. The specific clotting
activity of the recombinant factors, an indication of their coagulant
function, is equivalent to that of the plasma factors. Finally, these
proteins have been used clinically and shown to correct clinical defi
ciencies of these proteins in a manner that is similar to replacement
with plasma factors. All in all, the promise of recombinant DNA techno
logy for coagulation and other disorders remains bright. (C) 1998 Else
vier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.