Epidemiology is the main supplier of ''bases of action'' for preventiv
e medicine and health promotion. Epidemiology and epidemiologists ther
efore have a responsibility not only for the quality and soundness of
the risk estimates they deliver and for the way they are interpreted a
nd used, but also for their consequences. In the industrialised world,
the value of, and fascination with health is greater than ever, and t
he revelation from epidemiological research of new hazards and risks,
conveyed to the public by the media, has become almost an every-day ph
enomenon. This ''risk epidemic'' in the modern media is paralleled in
professional medical journals. It is in general endorsed by health pro
moters as a necessary foundation for increased health awareness and a
desirable impetus for people to take responsibility for their own heal
th through behavioural changes. Epidemiologists and health promoters,
however, have in general not taken the possible side effects of increa
sed risk awareness seriously enough. By increasing anxiety regarding d
isease, accidents and other adverse events, the risk epidemic enhances
both health care dependence and health care consumption. More profoun
dly, and perhaps even more seriously, it changes the way people think
about health, disease and death - and ultimately and at least potentia
lly, their perspective on life more generally. The message from the od
ds ratios from epidemiological research advocates a rationalistic, ind
ividualistic, prospective life perspective where maximising control an
d minimising uncertainty is seen as a superior goal. The inconsistency
between applying an expanded health concept, comprising elements of c
oping, seif-realisation and psyche-physical functioning, and imposing
intolerance to risk and uncertainty, is regularly overlooked. Acceptan
ce and tolerance of risk and uncertainty, which are inherent elements
of human life, is a prerequisite for coping and self-realisation. A fu
rther shift away from traditional working-class values like sociabilit
y, sharing, conviviality and tolerance can not be imposed without unwa
nted side effects on culture and human interaction. The moral and coer
cive crusade for increased risk awareness and purity in life style can
too readily take on the form of cultural imperialism towards conformi
ty. Epidemiologists and the health care movement in general have a man
date to fight disease and premature death; they have no explicit manda
te to change culture. (C) 1998 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserv