A microwave radiometer has been developed for long-term measurements o
f strato-mesospheric ozone profiles at midlatitudes. The instrument lo
cated at the Bordeaux Observatory, France (45 degrees N) is operated i
n the framework of the French atmospheric station, of the European Alp
ine station belonging to the Network for the Detection of Stratospheri
c Change. The instrument detects an ozone spectral line at 110.836 GHz
, enabling the retrieval of ozone profiles from similar to 25 to simil
ar to 75 km. The technical parameters are described as the observing t
echnique, calibration procedures, and data acquisition. Two retrieval
methods are used: the Backus-Gilbert method and the optimal estimation
method. Strong emphasis is placed on the error analysis including a d
etailed characterization of errors. To improve the retrieval, we discu
ss which errors have to be taken into account in the retrieval process
. Three cases have been selected for which retrieval errors due to tim
e stochastic and time systematic errors are calculated. First, only th
e thermal noise is introduced in the retrieval code; second, all error
s are introduced; and finally, a selection among errors is searched in
order to provide a good compromise between the retrieval error and th
e vertical resolution. Diurnal variations of mesospheric O-3 are compa
red with results from a photochemical model. The agreement is within 5
-10%. During the February-March 1996 period the temporal evolution of
ozone at an altitude of 30 km is in good agreement with both satellite
and three-dimensional model data. There is a good correlation with th
e potential vorticity field calculated at the 850 ii isentropic temper
ature. A crossing of the polar vortex over the site is associated with
an O-3 decrease observed in the three data sets.