Objectives. Two studies were carried out to investigate the relationsh
ip between coping styles and co-morbid depression in people adjusting
to the onset of psychosis. Evaluative thinking and early attachment ex
periences were also examined. Methods and design. In Study 1, a 39-ite
m Recovery Style Questionnaire (RSQ) was developed to measure recovery
style in people with psychosis, based on McGlashan, Levy & Carpenter'
s (1975) interview measure of recovery style. Fifty-six participants c
ompleted both the RSQ and McGlashan's interview-based measure. Study 2
explores the relationship between these styles of recovery, depressio
n and early childhood attachment experiences. Thirty-six people partic
ipated. Results The RSQ was both reliable and correlated highly with M
cGlashan's interview-based measure. We found that the RSQ, in keeping
with the interview-based measure, was bimodally distributed, thus supp
orting McGlashan's contention that they define two distinct recovery s
tyles termed 'integration' and 'sealing over'. As predicted, 88 per ce
nt of the 'sealers' were moderately to severely depressed compared to
52 per cent of the 'integrators' who were mildly depressed with no mem
bers of the 'integration' group experiencing moderate to severe depres
sion (p < .0003). Patients who employed the sealing over recovery styl
e also made significantly more negative self-evaluations than did pati
ents in the integration group and also perceived their parents to be s
ignificantly less caring than those in the integration group. Conclusi
ons. These findings are explained in terms of a multi-axial model inco
rporating personality structure and development as well as mental diso
rder. It is suggested that those individuals with a poorly developed s
ense of self defend against the threat of psychosis using denial. Clin
ical implications are discussed and more research is suggested to furt
her investigate the links between evaluative and inferential thinking
in co-morbid depression, and how such thinking relates to early childh
ood experience.