This paper gives an in-depth analysis of a number of well-known verbal
diathesis alternations (creation/transformation, locative and dative
alternations), and specifically investigates the position of the direc
t object/indirect object across and between such alternations. It is a
rgued that with each pair of alternants there is a difference in the p
ositioning of the direct object/indirect object: in one variant the ob
ject is generated within the 'inner' VP of a VP shell, while in the ot
her variant the direct object/indirect object is not generated within
the inner VP but within a functional projection (TransP, for Transitiv
ity Phrase) located between the two VPs of a VP shell. This positionin
g of the direct object/indirect object is seen in the context of the t
hetic/categorical distinction in predication forms, arguing that this
distinction should also be applied to the inner predication involving
the inner subject (the direct object) and the inner predicate (the ver
b plus any complements).