We have established a line of transgenic mice expressing the A. victor
ia green fluorescent protein (GFP) under the control of the promoter f
or vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF). Mice bearing the transge
ne show green cellular fluorescence around the healing margins and thr
oughout the granulation tissue of superficial ulcerative wounds. Impla
ntation of solid tumors in the transgenic mice leads to an accumulatio
n of green fluorescence resulting from tumor induction of host VEGF pr
omoter activity. With time, the fluorescent cells invade the tumor and
can be seen throughout the tumor mass. Spontaneous mammary tumors ind
uced by oncogene expression in the VEGF-GFP mouse show strong stromal,
but not tumor, expression of GFP. In both wound and tumor models the
predominant GFP-positive cells are fibroblasts. The finding that the V
EGF promoter of nontransformed cells is strongly activated by the tumo
r microenvironment points to a need to analyze and understand stromal
cell collaboration in tumor angiogenesis.