Two-dimensional electron paramagnetic resonance (BD-EPR) spectra of Il
linois No. 6 and Upper Freeport coals have been measured. From 2D-nuta
tion spectroscopy, it is confirmed that the main EPR signal around g =
2 is attributed to free radicals, but not to radical pairs. Both coal
s showed nuclear modulation effects due to H-1 and naturally abundant
C-13 nuclear spins. Spin-echo correlation spectroscopy (SECSY) experim
ents elucidate the distribution of modulation frequencies included in
a broad EPR spectrum. The observed dip in the C-13 matrix spectrum obt
ained from SECSY is interpreted in terms of the decrease of vitrinite
radicals, which are weakly interacting with C-13 nuclei, in the centra
l region of the EPR spectrum. The analysis of the broad hyperfine spec
tra due to H-1 and C-13 nuclei in the hyperfine sublevel correlation s
pect-ra suggests the existence of several kinds of radicals in coal. M
ost of unpaired electrons are considered to be trapped in aromatic rin
gs. The ratio of C-13/H-1 of hyperfine spectra increases with coal ran
k, suggesting a new index of coal rank.