Contractions induced by endothelin-1, endothelin-3 and the selective E
TB agonist, sarafotoxin S6c, were studied in segments of human tempora
l artery. The results in fresh arteries were compared with those obtai
ned alter 1 or 4 days in organ culture, and with the specific ETA anta
gonist FR 139317, the specific, mixed antagonist bosentan, or the spec
ific ETB antagonist, BQ 788. Sarafotoxin S6c induced no contractile ac
tivity in fresh artery segments, but elicited marked contractions afte
r culture. This contraction was only slightly inhibited by FR 139317,
but was abolished by BQ 788. Contractions induced by endothelin-1 were
antagonized by FR 139317 and bosentan, but not by BQ 788. Organ cultu
re did not change the overall pattern, but all concentration-response
curves were shifted leftwards. Contractions induced by endothelin-3 we
re abolished by all antagonists in fresh arteries, but some activity w
as restored after organ culture. Sensitivity to endothelin-3 was marke
dly increased. The results suggest a change in endothelin receptors du
ring organ culture, resulting in a marked increase in contractile ETB
activity, and possibly some increase in ETA activity. Such changes ill
ustrate the complexity of endothelin responses in this vascular bed.