Error control is a major concern in many computer systems, particularl
y those deployed in critical applications. Experience shows that most
malfunctions during system operation are caused by transient faults, w
hich often manifest themselves as abnormal signal delays that may resu
lt in violations of circuit element timing constraints. We present a n
ovel complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor-based concurrent error-de
tection circuit that allows a hip-hop (or other timing-sensitive circu
it element) to sense and signal when its data has been potentially cor
rupted by a setup or hold timing violation. Our circuit employs on-chi
p quiescent supply current evaluation to determine when the input chan
ges in relation to a clock edge. Current through the detection circuit
should be negligible while the input is stable. If the input changes
too close to the clock time, the resulting switching transient current
in the detection circuit exceeds a reference threshold at the time of
the clock transition, and an error is flagged. We have designed, fabr
icated, and evaluated a test chip that shows that such an approach can
be used to detect setup and hold time violations effectively in clock
ed circuit elements.