Recent evidence suggests that pituitary galanin synthesized in the lac
totroph is a paracrine regulator of lactotroph proliferation and PRL s
ecretion and that these effects are mediated via a pituitary-specific
galanin receptor, GAL-RB(orig.). At this receptor subtype, the, galani
n fragment 3-29 is fully active, in contrast to both the cloned GAL-R1
and GAL-RE, at which this fragment is inactive. Since paracrine commu
nication has been demonstrated between pituitary gonadotrophs and lact
otrophs, we investigated the hypothesis that galanin is also a paracri
ne regulator of gonadotroph function. Galanin attenuated LHRH-stimulat
ed LH release in a dose-dependent manner in monodispersed rat anterior
pituitaries harvested at proestrus (LHRH 100 nM, 10.7 +/- 0.2 ng/ml(-
1). 4 h vs. LHRH 100 nM + 1 mu M porcine galanin (pGal), 7.0 +/- 0.2 n
g/ml(-1). 4 h; P < 0.01; i.e. 37% reduction). Galanin had similar supp
ressive effects on FSH release. Galanin, also dose-dependently, attenu
ated the LHRH-stimulated LH release from perifused proestrous rat pitu
itary fragments. pGal (1 mu M) reduced the stimulated LH release by 80
%, [area under the curve (AUC), LHRH 100 nM, 713 +/- 149 vs. LHRH 100
nM + 1 mu M pGal, 131 +/- 7 ngl min . ml(-1 .)4 h; P < 0.02]. In addit
ion, galanin 3-29, the specific GAL-R2(orig.) receptor agonist, inhibi
ted LHRH-stimulated LH release from perifused proestrous rat pituitary
fragments [AUC, LHRH 100 nM, 642 +/- 77 ng/min . ml(-1) vs. LHRH 100
nM + pGal 1-29, 206 +/- 44 ng/min . ml(-1) (P < 0.02); and LHRH 100 nM
+ pGal 3-29, 310 +/- 19 ng/min . ml(-1) (P < 0.02)]. Immunoblockade w
ith specific galanin antiserum potentiated the LHRH-stimulated release
of LH by 48% from perifused proestrous rat pituitary fragments (AUC,
LHRH 100 nM + galanin antiserum, 721 +/- 65 ng/min . ml(-1) vs. LHRH 1
00 nM alone or with nonimmune antiserum, 489 +/- 33 ng/min . ml(-1) or
545 +/- 46 ng/min . ml(-1), P < 0.05). This data suggests that galani
n may act as a paracrine agent via the pituitary-specific GAL-R2(orig.
) to inhibit gonadotroph function.