During the last 15 years the number of studies using postlabeling tech
niques to detect molecular alterations in DNA exposed to genotoxic age
nts has been continuously growing Detectable molecules no longer inclu
de only bulky adducts arising from environmental exposures to polycycl
ic aromatic hydrocarbons, heterocyclic aromatic amines, cigarette smok
e, etc. Postlabeling procedures are also able to reveal small DNA addu
cts and small nucleotide alterations induced by genotoxic agents such
as alkylating compounds and aflatoxins. DNA alterations induced by oxi
dizing molecules both of exogenous and endogenous source can also be r
evealed. Postlabeling methods have been successfully used to detect DN
A damage induced by ionizing and exciting radiations. Variants of the
basic procedure allow the detection of endogenous DNA modifications as
sociated with aging, called I-compounds. Postlabeling methods are able
to detect such a great variety of molecular alterations by using a ne
gligible amount of DNA (15 mu g) with an extraordinary high sensitivit
y (up to 1/10(10) modified nucleotide/normal nucleotides). Different m
odifications of the basic procedure are applied depending on the speci
fic nucleotidic modification under analysis. The present article descr
ibes the main methodological variants of postlabeling techniques, with
particular attention paid to their methodological aspects, applicatio
ns, and capabilities. Each step of the postlabeling procedure (i.e., D
NA depolymerization, adduct enrichment, labeling, and identification)
is described and the mast useful variants currently available are repo
rted. DNA depolymerization may be performed by using at least 5 differ
ent nucleases to obtain. biphosphate mononucleotide, monophosphate mon
onucleotide, dinucleotides or trinucleotides. Modified nucleotides can
be selected from among normal nucleotides by enrichment procedures in
cluding more than 6 different chemical or enzymatic methods. Adducts a
re labeled by using radioactive carriers such as AT(32)P and other rad
ioisotopes (P-33, S-35) or fluorochromes (dansyl chloride). Labeled ad
ducts are separated by thin-layer or column chromatography using a gre
at variety of chromatographic media. Finally, modified nucleotides are
revealed and quantified by various techniques, including standard, la
ser scan, and electronic autoradiography Thus, the postlabeling proced
ure no longer can be considered a single toxicologic method. It is a c
lass of analytical tools able to detect a wide variety of nucleotidic
modifications induced by genotoxic agents.