There has been considerable interest in the relationship of pregnancy
and melanoma, Since 1951, a number of case reports have suggested that
pregnancy may induce or exacerbate melanoma, Likewise, there has been
concern over the relationship between exposure to oral contraceptives
(OCs) or hormone replacement therapy (HRT) and possible increased ris
k of melanoma, We critically reviewed: (1) controlled clinical trials
to assess the effect of pregnancy on the prognosis of melanoma; and (2
) epidemiological data to evaluate the risk of melanoma offer exposure
to OCs or HRT, Pregnancy before, during, or after the diagnosis of me
lanoma does not appear to influence 5-year survival rates. Exposure to
OCs or HRT does not appear to increase the risk of melanoma. Copyrigh
t (C) 1998 by W.B. Saunders Company.